Gebouw 23, Office 4.79

Stevinweg 1

2628 CN Delft, Netherlands

I am a Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellow of the LEaDing Fellows PostDoc Programme at the Water Management Department of Delft University of Technology and at LIACS (Leiden University’s Institute of Advanced Computer Science).

My research interest is located in the interdisciplinary field of hydroinformatics. I envision my research to contribute in solving urgent water related problems by developing innovative methods and algorithms that utilize multi-sensor data and help to increase the total efficiency of urban water systems. My main research interests lie in understanding (i) how urban water systems behave under failures and (ii) how to prevent such failures in advance.

I studied physics at Graz University of Technology and specialized during my studies on theoretical and computational physics with a thesis in the field of quantum many body theory entitled “Andreev-reflection in one-dimensional quantum systems” and supervised by Prof. Hans Gerd Evertz.

After my studies in Physics, I switched my research field to Civil Engineering. I recently completed my PhD under supervision of Prof. Daniela Fuchs-Hanusch at the Institute of Urban Water Management at TU Graz. My thesis focussed on model-based leak localisation in water distribution systems and designing optimal sensor placement algorithms beyond state-of-the-art through incorporating uncertainties.